By industry

Intelligent Robotic Automation in HR & Payroll

Natural Language Processing enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language.

Harnessing RPA: A New Dawn for HR & Payroll

The transformative power of AI-driven Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in HR and Payroll is revolutionizing this department. By adeptly managing high-volume, repetitive tasks, this technology offers an unmatched level of efficiency that’s crucial in this data-intensive domain. Be it expediting the employee onboarding process or streamlining timesheet processing, RPA’s capabilities are groundbreaking and growing constantly. Explore the vast potential of our AI-powered automation software now, and see first-hand how it will reshape your HR and Payroll operations!

Percentage of HR and payroll processes suited for automation

Reduction of operating costs

Reduction of error rate in HR and Payroll processes

Heatmap for HR & Payroll

High RPA potential

Medium RPA potential

Check out in depth what Automation can deliver for Banks in these cases:

Risk and compliance assessments.

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

HR & Payroll Process Examples

Employee Onboarding

RPA automates all steps of the onboarding process, such as creating IT accounts, assigning roles, and providing training material.

Employee Data Management

Our machines maintain, update, and validate your employee information across various internal systems automatically.

Timesheet Processing

Smart automation software validates timesheet entries, reconciles discrepancies, and processes them for payroll without human intervention.

Payroll Transfer

RPA bots ensure timely, accurate transfer of payroll to employee bank accounts after validating against HR records.

Resume Screening

Intelligent robotic automation scans resumes against pre-set criteria, categorizes them, and forwards suitable ones for further human review.

Leave Request Processing

Our smart automation software handles leave requests, checks available leave balance, and updates your leave records if approved.