By industry

Intelligent Robotic Automation in Customer Service

Natural Language Processing enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language.

Boosting Customer Service Standards with Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) powered by Artificial Intelligence is reshaping customer service, ushering in an era of limitless possibilities. With its remarkable ability to deftly handle high-volume tasks, RPA is perfect for this demanding department. The smart technology skillfully navigates peak loads, processes customer refunds swiftly, and completes other tasks previously taxing on human resources. By integrating our automation software into your customer service operations, you open the door to a more streamlined, responsive, and proactive environment. Dive into the world of AI-driven automation with us, and redefine what you thought was possible.

Percentage of customer service processes suited for automation

Reduction of operating costs

Reduction of response times to customer inquiries

Heatmap for Customer Service

High RPA potential

Medium RPA potential

Check out in depth what Automation can deliver for Banks in these cases:

Risk and compliance assessments.

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Yet another

These essential components of banking and financial operations, aiming to ensure that banks operate within legal and regulatory requirements and manage various forms of risks.

Customer Service Process Examples

Peak loads management

Smart RPA robots automatically respond to peak customer service demands, efficiently scale your operations, schedule tasks, and redistribute workload to always ensure a steady flow of operations.

Customer refunds

Our automation software handles your customer refund requests, first by validating purchase details against transaction records, then calculating the refund amount and finally initiating the refund in your payment system.

Retrieve customer orders

RPA swiftly fetches detailed customer order data by navigating through your order management systems, cross-referencing multiple databases if necessary, to provide comprehensive information in a matter of seconds.

Customer account management

Our machines maintain and update your customer accounts by automatically processing account modifications, tracking account activities and synchronizing data across different platforms.

Incoming emails automation

Intelligent automation scans and classifies incoming emails based on their subject lines and content and routes these emails to the appropriate departments.

Customer feedback analysis

Our RPA bots sift through your customer feedback to identify key themes and sentiments, categorize feedback and provide a preliminary analysis.